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:: year 4, Issue 7 (8-2019) ::
3 2019, 4(7): 47-62 العودة إلى قائمة الأعداد السابقة
Statistical stylistics al-Hadid and at-taghabun based on Johnson
Abstract:   (8613 Views)
Linguists of the late twentieth century has been paying particular attention to statistical stylistics. In this type of stylistics, texts based on statistical analysis and the results of its review, the unique features and benefits of a text or author or genre counts. Among the leading theorists in this field, Johnson is the theory of biological design vocabulary, style-statistical research opened a new horizon beyond. Since Msbhat chapters of the Quran, as regards the substance and richness of vocabulary, are very close together, this study is based on analytical-statistical methods based on statistical models of words between Al-Hadid Johnson is trying to style and your at-taghabun analyze and evaluate it. The results indicate that significant differences in the frequency of light ‌Ayn two chapters there are no words, except for a narrow margin, with an average variation of the words Al-at-taghabun (70%) from Al-Hadid (66%) apart. The main reason for this near vocabulary can be fit in two chapters content.

Keywords: Quran, Hadid at-taghabun, statistical stylistics, Johnson
Full-Text [PDF 546 kb]   ( تنزيل)    
Type of Study: Research | موضوع البحث: Special
Received: 2016/12/7 | Accepted: 2017/04/5 | Published: 2020/09/7
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Statistical stylistics al-Hadid and at-taghabun based on Johnson. 3 2019; 4 (7) :47-62
URL: http://journals.lu.ac.ir/koran/article-1-121-en.html

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year 4, Issue 7 (8-2019) العودة إلى قائمة الأعداد السابقة
دو فصلنامه پژوهش های قرآنی در ادبیات دانشگاه لرستان Journal of Koranic Studies in Literature
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