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:: year 4, Issue 8 (9-2019) ::
3 2019, 4(8): 111-130 العودة إلى قائمة الأعداد السابقة
Investigating “Accord Theory” of Abdulghaher Jorjani and Jacques Augustin Berque in Eliminating Inconsistencies in the Apparent Meaning of the Quran (Case-study of the Sura of Ahqaf)
Zohreh Naemi * 1, Elyas Mokhemmi2 , Zahra Ahmadi kiya2
1- kharazmi uniiversity , naemi.zohreh@gmail.com
2- kharazmi uniiversity
Abstract:   (7976 Views)
Abstract In recent era, debates around the inconsistency in the apparent meaning of Suras and Verses of the Quran has been abundant among the contemporary Quran researchers. On the other hand, many Islamic scientists and non-Islamic researchers have striven to prove the consistency of the apparent meaning of the Verses of the Quran and have put forward theories from which we may mention the “theory of accord” of Jacques Augustin Berque (French Islamic scholar and sociologist) and Abdulghaher Jorjani's theory of accord (Iranian linguist and litterateur). This article aims at studying Jacques Augustin Berque's theory with its application to the Sura of Ahqaf and its synthesis with Jorjani’s theory in order to investigate their potential to eliminate inconsistencies in the apparent meanings of the Verses with a descriptive-analytic method. Among the most significant conclusions of this study is that the proof of Jacques Augustin Berque's theory of accord is dependent upon a prior knowledge of the theory of accord from Abdulghaher Jorjani since the results of non-contradiction among the components of the Verses and the congruence of the beginning and ending of the Sura, that is proved based on Jorjani's theory of accord, has been able to aid the understanding of the linkage and :::union::: of the Verses (Jacques Augustin Berque's theory) and uncover their unique meanings. In other words, Jorjani's accord theory complements Berque's theory in obtaining the true meaning of this Sura
Keywords: inconsistency, accord, Ahqaf, Abdulghaher Jorjani, Jacques Augustin Berque
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Type of Study: Research | موضوع البحث: Special
Received: 2015/07/25 | Accepted: 2017/08/21 | Published: 2020/09/19
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naemi Z, mokhemmi E, ahmadi kiya Z. Investigating “Accord Theory” of Abdulghaher Jorjani and Jacques Augustin Berque in Eliminating Inconsistencies in the Apparent Meaning of the Quran (Case-study of the Sura of Ahqaf). 3 2019; 4 (8) :111-130
URL: http://journals.lu.ac.ir/koran/article-1-60-en.html

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year 4, Issue 8 (9-2019) العودة إلى قائمة الأعداد السابقة
دو فصلنامه پژوهش های قرآنی در ادبیات دانشگاه لرستان Journal of Koranic Studies in Literature
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